Jack is a TV and radio correspondent with extensive broadcasting and live event experience. He is currently working predominantly with DW News as well as across a number of channels from Brussels, after spending 18 months as an EU correspondent for Euronews. Always filing engaging stories from across the European Union. Prior to this, Jack spent 5 years with the international news agency Feature Story News - moving from correspondent to become the Brussels bureau chief. Not only is he a confident and reliable on-air personality, Jack is also an experienced shooter and editor, frequently filming his own material. Jack is at the forefront of Mobile Journalism - using iPhones to shoot top quality TV reporting. Jack is also well known as a Brussels moderator as well as hosting events all over Europe.
Jack has filed stories from all over the world and specialises in international reporting with a focus on EU, NATO and International Criminal Justice issues. He grew up in Bristol, UK and went on to study a BA in English and German at the University of Liverpool. In 2012, heading then to London to take up the Pg Dip Broadcast Journalism course at the London College of Communication.